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Image by bruce mars

Frequently Asked Questions

A new service for a new market.

  • What’s the difference between myLaminin and other document storage and sharing services?
    myLaminin believes that simple storage and eSignature capabilities are not enough. While we deliver these capabilities with the same rigor and security, we believe it’s important to leverage these functions in a way that allows an enterprise to support its unique workflow with its clients and other value chain participants without having to rely on constrained, internal IT resources or dated legacy systems. More importantly, because myLaminin is blockchain-enabled, we can deliver more advanced features such as verifiable credentials, digital wallets, and Tokenomics. This positions an organization to deliver a better and more advanced client service experience and outcomes.
  • What data collection capability does myLaminin have?
    myLaminin has a robust data collection (eSurvey) module that supports both classical and longitudinal surveys. It’s a contemporary and intuitive user interface that delivers a powerful drag-and-drop form building that simplifies survey data analysis with interactive and customizable charts and tables. It allows you to visualize your insights with the survey data dashboard and analyze survey results in one view. Additionally, our eSurvey module: Enables automation of participant screening, consent forms, and baseline surveys seamlessly for clinical trials. Supports intuitive biomedical ontology question fields that auto-suggest as the participant searches and ensures a valid option from the selected ontology is chosen. Has toggleable male and female body map questions with click to select capability. Supports the ability to add multilanguage translations to your surveys. Allows for tailored views of survey results that can be made available to custom categories of users. Users can also set and save filters to view relevant data. Allows for survey data collected offsite to be uploaded and integrated into an onsite survey’s dataset, or uploaded separately as a view. Supports sending SMS or email notification reminders to participants of recurring surveys, along with the ability to check participants’ completion status for surveys grouped together. For healthcare and clinical trial research, we support PHI data capture and security by facilitating the restriction of access to any data in the survey results that is tagged as PHI data. That is, only team members given PHI data access would see PHI data items in the survey result set.
  • How does myLaminin help Principal Investigators (PIs) in their data management responsibilities?
    myLaminin gives PIs complete control over their research data governance. PIs can automate the request/receipt of data-sharing agreements, NDAs, and participant consent forms through the myLaminin platform. They also have the ability to manage access to all research data sets or subsets of it for team members and external collaborators and can 'publish' or make available data sets as they choose where research grants warrant it. Going forward, we will deliver more capabilities such as publishing and distributed peer reviews and access to underlying research data.
  • How does myLaminin support the unique needs of Research Legal Services (RLS)?
    myLaminin allows RLS to pre-define standard or default data-sharing agreements and consent forms for different research contexts and manage the review and signing of these agreements by third parties leveraging Adobe Acrobat Sign. This delivers enormous operational efficiencies for limited and constrained resources. myLaminin has achieved Adobe certification for integrating their Acrobat Sign (eSignature) solution into our platform.
  • What REB (Research Ethics Board) functionality is supported?
    myLaminin’s REB module supports PIs, REB Administrators and REB Board members as well as REB Reviewers in an integrated, efficient, and user-friendly manner. myLaminin recognizes that all institutions may have their own unique REB forms and workflows and supports that configuration without having to do any customization. In short, we support an iterative and confidential review process until such time as the PI addresses all feedback and/or the REB issues a research approval or denial certificate for that research.
  • How does myLaminin support university or research-intensive institution administrators?
    myLaminin reduces the risk of data loss and/or data breaches as well as reduces operational inefficiencies in traditional research data management practices that exists between PIs, their teams, external collaborators, research legal services, research ethics boards, and research librarians. By leveraging the security and immutability of blockchain to deliver a robust reporting and audit trail of all research data activity, malicious actions are substantially deterred. This provides a massive improvement over current practices and solutions and mitigates the reputational damage that can be incurred for the researchers, their teams, and the institution.
  • I’m an independent researcher. What do I need to do to use your service?
    We are making our service available to independent researchers shortly. Independent researchers will soon be able to start using our solution in literally minutes. Our onboarding process consists of these 4 easy steps: Complete the registration process. Establish your research project. Invite your team members, external collaborators, and participants. Manage access to your research data repository. That's it. You and your team can be up and running very quickly.
  • What REB (Research Ethics Board) functionality is supported?
    Currently we support the following: - Integration with the ARECCI screening tool and capture of that assessment. - Alert to an REB administrator of the need to engage given the nature of the research project and ARECCI screening tool score. Under development and scheduled for release in early November: - Ability of a Principal Investigator (PI) or Research Administrator to fill in and submit institutional REB forms for review. - REB administrator to assign one or more administrator to a review. - Ability for REB reviewers to comment on forms submitted. - Ability of PI to review and resolve REB reviewer feedback in an iterative fashion until approved by REB.
  • Where is the data stored?
    myLaminin was designed to use client-managed and securely-stored documents either on-premises or in cloud storage services such as AWS’ S3 or Azure Blobs. We don’t store documents on-chain. Instead, we generate hashes that uniquely tie an on-chain asset, token, or transaction to off-chain data. Some of our clients choose to host their data on their data centers and we have worked with them to integrate our service to use these data storage services. Users are not even aware of the difference. More information on this mechanism can be found here: Kaleido Document Exchange Service.
  • How does the institutional onboarding process differ?
    Institutional onboarding can be done within 15 minutes! Institutions need only identify Principal Investigators (PIs) that should be invited to the platform. If they would like to take advantage of Research Legal Services (RLS) or Research Ethics Board (REB) integrations, they merely need to identify the RLS and REB administrators that are to receive system notifications and will support PIs and their teams. For institutional researchers, the next step in the process is identical to that described above for independent researchers.
  • How does myLaminin support large file transfers into or out of the myLaminin platform?
    For large file transfers in or out of the myLaminin platform, myLaminin can leverage the Globus file transfer capabilities to provide an integrated file transfer capability with the right security, rigour, and auditing expected of world-class RDM platforms.
  • What kind of audit trail capabilities does myLaminin provide?
    myLaminin has a robust and realtime audit trail that tracks every action taken within the research project by all members of the team. Every transaction is recorded with details of the user, action undertaken, date, and time. This audit trail is fully searchable, sortable, and filterable by transaction type allowing users to quickly understand who did what when and on what objects. More importantly, all actions - whether inadvertently or maliciously undertaken - can be reversed by the PI or RA (Research Administrator) through their access to the recycle bin.
  • How is team collaboration facilitated?
    myLaminin facilitates collaboration by providing a consistent user interface to all research participants, regardless of their physical location. Simultaneous users are alerted to the fact that their colleagues are in the research data repository by the presence of their avatars and they can coordinate activities on the research data set in real time.
  • How does myLaminin support agreements and eSignatures?
    myLaminin has integrated Adobe Acrobat Sign into our platform and allows teams to load documents that need to be sent to team members and external collaborators, such as NDAs, consent forms, data and IP-sharing agreements, for signature. These forms are tracked by myLaminin and the PI and/or RA have the discretion to restrict access to the research data set until such time as agreements are signed.
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